Thursday, July 22, 2010

ask not axe fool

iwas watching excerpts of lebron james' "the decision and i've decided i said "self" cuz thats what i call myself when talking to myself "self these races of ours will never be equal as long as people keep saying axe instead of ask listening to lebron he never once said ask he alwaysays axe i dont think he says it cuz hes black but i believe what my grand mother said "home is the first school and in lebrons case and many inner city kids he is the direct product of his home his mother speaks the same way so she never corrected him i'm sure but maybe now he understands why a university education would have benefitted him how difficult is it to just pay attention in school i try very diligently to disuade my chuldren from looking up to him but they still think he's worth their time ok enough of that

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